Kansas Pregnant DNA Testing
Pregnant DNA Testing Locations in Kansas
If you’re in need of a Pregnant DNA test in the state of Kansas, below is a list of areas that we serve for Pregnant DNA testing. Appointments can be set up the same day and results are 48 hours guaranteed.
If you would like to speak to a specialist immediately, please call 800-985-2749 to discuss testing options.
Communities Served
We can arrange an appointment for you that is either located in, or conveniently accessible from, one of these cities:
- Abilene
- Garnett
- Newton
- Andover
- Girard
- Norton
- Arkansas City
- Goodland
- Oakley
- Atchison
- Great Bend
- Olathe
- Augusta
- Hays
- Ottawa
- Baxter Springs
- Haysville
- Overland Park
- Belleville
- Hiawatha
- Paola
- Beloit
- Holton
- Parsons
- Bonner Springs
- Hugoton
- Phillipsburg
- Burlington
- Hutchinson
- Pittsburg
- Chanute
- Independence
- Pratt
- Clay Center
- Iola
- Russell
- Coffeyville
- Junction City
- Salina
- Colby
- Kansas City
- Scott City
- Columbus
- Kingman
- Seneca
- Concordia
- Larned
- Shawnee Mission
- Council Grove
- Lawrence
- Stilwell
- Derby
- Leavenworth
- Topeka
- Dodge City
- Lenexa
- Ulysses
- El Dorado
- Liberal
- Valley Center
- Emporia
- Louisburg
- Wa Keeney
- Eureka
- Lyons
- Wamego
- Fort Scott
- Manhattan
- Wellington
- Fredonia
- Marysville
- Wichita
- Garden City
- Mcpherson
- Winfield
- Gardner
- Mulvane